Discover Your Path to Being Seen and Heard

Welcome to ‘Invisible’ – a podcast where we delve into the untold stories of those who feel overlooked and undervalued in their own families. Join us as we explore real-life tales, expert advice, and practical steps to transform your invisible moments into a journey of self-discovery and family reconnection.

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Featured Episode: The Unseen Struggle

The Unseen Struggle: Understanding Feelings of Invisibility

Discover what it means to feel invisible within a family and the initial steps to change that narrative.

Recent Episodes

Voices Lost in Translation
Episode 2

Communication barriers and how to overcome them. Focus on active listening and expressing oneself effectively.

The Middle Child Syndrome
Episode 3

Understanding the unique challenges faced by middle children and strategies to ensure they feel valued.

Parenting in the Shadows
Episode 4

Addressing the emotional toll on parents who feel overlooked while focusing on raising their children.

What Our Listeners Are Saying


Kristen Moore

Houston, TX

“Invisible has been a beacon of hope in my journey of self-acceptance and improved family dynamics.”

Joanna Foxx

Dallas, TX

“Brenda’s empathetic approach and insightful discussions have truly helped me feel seen and understood.”

Jason Reams

Atlanta, GA

"You said it! I've been telling my sister this for years! Keep doing what you're doing. Big fan of the show!"

Meet Your Hosts

Brenda Riley is a compassionate and insightful voice in the realm of family dynamics and personal growth. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the challenges many face within their families, Brenda brings warmth, wisdom, and practical advice to each episode of ‘Invisible.’

Brenda’s journey to hosting ‘Invisible’ started from her own experiences of feeling unseen within her family. Determined to make a difference, she dedicated her life to understanding the complexities of family relationships and helping others navigate their own struggles. Her empathetic approach and genuine care for her listeners have made ‘Invisible’ a trusted resource for many.


Brenda Riley